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Saturday, March 15, 2014

The 11 Forgotten Laws

Yet, didn’t the movie The Secret offer such hope three years ago? It seemed like a bright future that with millions of new converts to the Law of Attraction, a new era of prosperity and abundance will be ushered in.

You faithfully followed each and every one of the 3 steps. Yet the results you “attracted” were dismal at best. If you have any doubt about that…

CNN published an article October 7th reporting that 8/10 Americans are stressed out by all these happenings. This year alone, 760,000 jobs will be lost. And that’s just the pre-bailout statistics.

Furthermore, even if you’re prudently saving, it probably feels like an futile effort. On top of that, inflation rates are soaring.

Perhaps a quote from Doug Wead, former special assistant to the President of the United States, best describes me:

“Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul, the master story tellers; Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes to systemizing life, no one can touch him.”

“When I met Bob Proctor I was 20 years old, flat broke and heading in the wrong direction in life. In addition, I had no idea how I was going to build a life for myself that would have meaning and purpose.

Well, it’s been twenty seven years since I first attended his program and what he taught me then and continued to teach me over the years has allowed me to make millions of dollars for myself and others while living an extraordinary fulfilling life.

I’m the best-selling author of You Were Born Rich, and have transformed the lives of millions of people through my books, seminars, courses, and personal coaching.

I also want to introduce my fellow teacher Mary Manin Morrissey, who is part of the program I want to introduce to you really soon.

Mary is best known as the author of 2 best-selling books, Building Your Field of Dreams, which was adapted into a one hour PBS special, and No Less Than Greatness. Together with the Gandhi and King Foundations, she addressed the United Nations as national co-chair for the Season of Nonviolence.

This great woman also founded and served for 23 years, serving as senior minister of a dynamic church known as the ‘Living Enrichment Center.”

If I’m one of the main evangelist of the Law of Attraction, then shouldn’t I defend it with my life?

You know something, I’m going to admit that this may sound shocking to you. But it is my personal responsibility to declare this loud and clear:

Being true to their sensational nature, they take an amazing truth and they just amplify the “sexy”, less vital bits, and leave out all the rest.

As a result, the Law of Attraction brand that you get today is a really watered down version of the real thing.

Needless to say, when you use the Law of Attraction in reduced media-friendly form, you only scrape the tiniest tip of the iceberg when it comes to its immense potential.

100 years ago, the great Orville Wright said, “Isn’t it astounding that these secrets have been preserved for all of those years just so we can discover them.” He observed that these universal laws have been around since ancient times, yet people of the modern day have failed to compile them.

Then came Earl Nightingale, the father of the personal growth industry. He planted the seed for the Law of Attraction movement when he said, “We become what we think about”.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t ungrateful, it’s just that for a technique that was so reputedly glorious, the end result wasn’t really all that great.

And in the slump times—*just like some of you now*—I stumbled and fell. And no matter how much I used the Law of Attraction, I kept getting stuck in debt and wasn’t moving forward victoriously in life the way I thought I deserved.

I met up with a man called Raymond Stanford at the local coffee-house. I was nervous that day, because I had not met him before.

All that I knew was that he gave tremendous lectures about success principles that actually worked—as attested to his hundreds of students with proven results.

He hit the sore spot that I wasn’t getting the results I was supposed to get. He suggested that I’ll be able to change them once I start studying, once I went beyond the Law of Attraction.

That set me on a path that years later led me to Raymond...
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