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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kidney Disease - Kidney Treatment - - Home

So ... Getting This Information Is Very Important – Every Day Counts when you are managing kidney disease.

You’re about to find out that it’s possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis and/or kidney transplant surgery. By following the same step-by-step holistic healing protocols that thousands of people around the world have already followed with successful results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life, too. My name is Duncan Capicchiano and over the last 8 years, I have had a special interest in kidney disease because one of my beloved family members, my wife’s Nanna, was diagnosed with advanced kidney failure without warning.

Once I was over the shock ... love and compassion drove me to research night and day ... investigating ancient remedies through to modern science, finally developing a 100% guaranteed solution that works. Kidney disease sufferers who diligently follow the step-by- step strategies in this system are having astounding results.

And ... Nanna was my first extremely grateful patient. The smile on her face and the joy in her voice when she told us how well she was feeling after following my recommendations was worth all the sleepless nights and researcher frustration I experienced in finding this kidney disease solution.

The Kidney Disease Solution is an "all in one" step-by-step program that provides you with everything you need in order to reverse your kidney disease and improve your impaired kidney function

“I was really shocked to find my kidney function down, and my sugar and cholesterol levels very high. I was dumbstruck and decided to be pro-active. After lots of investigation I alighted on your website and purchased your package. It was very easy to download, and your receipting facilities and follow-up service excellent.

I followed a very precise diet for 6 weeks taking into account your Kidney Solution references! My sugar levels have already come down and I have lost weight. Plus even my Doctor wants me to maintain this regime.

* If your GFR is below 15ml/min, this program is still beneficial, but it is more for protection, ease of symptoms and providing a better quality of life.

If you are suffering from kidney disease or impaired kidney function, you can rest assured that I am going to help you reverse your kidney disease and improve your kidney function. You will quickly feel your old vitality return when you start using this easy to follow step-by-step 3 phase healing program.

If you are desperate to learn how to reverse your impaired kidney function permanently ... and regain your health and wellbeing, without drugs, without typical kidney disease treatments, and without any side effects, then this is the most important letter you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it!

“Dear Duncan, My name is Stephen Pepler. I live near Ottawa, Canada. I am 81 years old. I had a stroke in January 2008, before which I was pretty healthy. The stroke left me unable to swallow and so I began to lose appetite and all food tasted weird. E.g. apples tasted like raw potatoes. I started losing energy and stamina & muscle mass. My sex drive dropped to zero.

I went to my doctor who referred me to a couple of specialists and a nephrologist. After a while this guy told me I had "End Stage Renal Failure" (ESRF) and set me up for either a kidney transplant or dialysis. I declined this at first but finally, because I could hardly walk any more - let alone able to do any exercise, I consented.

This is when I came across your Kidney Disease Solution. I was excited when I came to your statement that one could take your treatment even when undergoing dialysis. So I immediately purchased your eBook. As soon as I had downloaded it (which was a piece of cake) I rushed out and bought bottles of Nutrient Name, Vitamin, and Herb Name (I already had most of the other recommended ingredients) and started the course.

I was thrilled to notice I began to feel better within a couple of days. I told the nephrologist about this, but he had never heard about anyone getting cured of ESRF, but he assured me that I would begin to feel much better immediately after fitting the dialysis catheter. He had never heard of anyone going off dialysis. So I told him that he should read up on what Naturopaths are doing. The bottom line is that I am getting set up for dialysis right away, but as soon as my blood work shows that my kidneys are up to par I am going to get the catheter removed. I am feeling considerably better today after only being...
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