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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Food4Wealth - The Secret to the Easiest Way to Grow Fresh Organic Vegetables in your Veggie Garden without digging or weeding - low effort way to grow food

From Jonathan White Environmental Scientist and Horticulturalist and creator of Food4Wealth:

Hi, my name is Jonathan White. Here I am in my garden surrounded by fresh, healthy organic carrots, lettuces, tomatoes, zucchinis, celery, spring onions, swiss chard, baby spinach, parsnip, cucumber, potatoes and pumpkin. A week earlier I pulled out some delicious sweet corn plants that had finished, and in their place tiny broccoli, cauliflower, and chinese cabbage seedlings are emerging, in perfect time for the winter crop...

This method is based on ecology, and not horticulture. You see, the problem with horticulture is that it is problem-focused. Have you noticed that gardening books are filled with ways to fix problems? People seem to love creating problems where problems don't need to exist. Well, it doesn't have to be that way!

In my experience, the study of natural ecosystems reveals everything we need to know about growing food. After all, Mother Nature has been doing it this way for millions of years.

From my own results I can say, with absolute certainty, that this is the way we will be producing food in the future. It's just commonsense. Why wouldn't the world want to use a method that produces many times more food with a fraction of the effort? The biggest challenge is convincing traditional gardeners. Like many industries, the gardening industry gets stuck in doing things a certain way. And for many dedicated veterans, it can actually be quite threatening when an embarrassingly simple solution comes along.

My Food4Wealth step-by-step instruction manual has been written with you in mind. It has been laid out with clear simple instructions and illustrations so that you can easily get started. Food4Wealth is also provided as an Audiobook so you can listen whilst you are in the garden, jogging or commuting.

Plus you will also get an easy to follow step-by-step project plan listing what to do and how to do it. You will also get a maintainence plan and checklist to guide through the whole process.

I will tell you exactly what you need to know to get set up and start producing organic food for years to come.

Dear Jonathan I am totally hooked on the whole thing and I am growing vegetables from seed and watching them grow. If it wasn’t for the original inspiration I got from the whole concept of your low maintenance, minimal effort system of vegetable gardening, I can categorically assure you that I never would have started it at all.

Thank you very much for enriching me in this way.  My life has a new ‘back to nature’ dimension which helps me feel quietly contented and fulfilled in the knowledge that I have clawed back some sanity in this crazy, ridiculous world. All the best Peter Woolfe, Australia

Hi Jonathan Your information has been very inspiring and working with land is so easy that most of the time you spent lying in the garden and enjoying the moment. I never understood all spiritual masters talking about abundance, but now I can "see" it too. Thank You Aldas, USA

Jonathan You have saved me some future anguish, not to mention a pile of money. Thank you so much for the Food4Wealth concept. Patty Bray USA

Jonathan The information you provide will be of great benefit especially to people who have never planted a garden before, because it will immediately impress upon them the necessity of providing their plants with a good nutritional base and also that diversity is the mainstay of any food-producing venture.

If traditional gardeners can be convinced to give your method a fair go, I am certain that they will very quickly learn that their current methods are outmoded, time-consuming, ecologically unsound and hopelessly impractical. You have done your job well, Jonathan. Keith Taylor, South Africa

Dear Jonathan It (Food4wealth) is especially critical to those of us in the USA, to know how to grow some of our own food. Your eBook and video's are wonderful tools! Sincerely yours Wendy C, USA

Dear Jonathan I am nearly brought to tears after reading and watching with a feeling of empowerment. This can be so simple and is so much more meaningful being ecologically balanced. The fact that the garden is low maintenance and requires no chemicals is wonderful. Warmly Erin Bailey, USA

Hi Jonathan I was amazed when I ready about what you have done about gardening.  I am 57 years of age and interested in learning your way of gardening. I live in Botswana, Southern Africa. Finally I wish to thank in advance for the wonderful research you have done in order to save our planet Earth. Yours Sincerely Sepo Mubitta, Botswana

Dear Jonathan I am writing to you today to simply say thank you...
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