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Monday, March 10, 2014

Plan My Baby - Baby Gender Selection - Prince or Princess?

Have you ever longed for that "missing piece of the jigsaw" to complete your dream family?

Will you be devastated if you can't find the one piece of information that will put your mind at ease and help change your life forever?

And wouldn't you give almost anything to have the odds in your favor when it comes to planning your baby's gender?

Hi there! My name is Alicia Pennington and this is a picture of me and my family. My daughter, Marie is 6 years old and my son, Dylan is 2 years old.

My husband and I had specifically wanted a daughter first and then a boy. Today, I am able to live my dream due to effective natural methods of gender selection which I have discovered and I am here to share with you on how you too can plan your baby's gender like we did and enjoy a lifetime of completeness.

You may be thinking that this is too good to be true but all I ask is 3 minutes; and this will be the most important 3 minutes of your life. I know that you are here today to learn how to accurately choose the gender of your future baby and I am here to help you make that choice. You may ask how I involved myself in preconception gender selection methods, so allow me to explain.

I was a midwife for 12 years and during this time, I have had the opportunity to speak to many pregnant women (several hundred in fact!) until after the birth of their child. My career as a midwife had been fulfilling as I was able to lend support and share the joy of each couple after the birth of their baby.

In my second year, however, I came across a mother who suffered severe post natal depression after delivery of her baby girl. After a few sessions of consultation with her, she finally confessed that she had high hopes of having a baby boy as she desperately needs to complete her family after having 2 daughters. I did my best to console and gave her words of encouragement but even I could not change the fact that she felt incomplete without a son even though she loved her 3 daughters dearly.

It had affected me emotionally, and that was the turning point of my career. I didn't want this to happen to any mothers in future and this motivated me to find out about perfecting baby gender selection methods.

I started researching into baby gender selection methods, attended many courses on pre-conception conducted by reputable doctors and interviewing couples (who were mostly my patients) that had tried baby gender selection methods.

Coincidentally, my husband and I wanted to start a family then. I knew that this was the perfect opportunity for me to put my research into practice...

As I could not afford to pay the hefty medical fees for laboratory treatments and surgeries (not to mention the risk I was NOT willing to take as I came across studies which have suggested that kids conceived through these medical treatments have a higher risk of rare health problems), I concluded that my best option (risk free and safe) is to apply the natural preconception methods of gender selection.

After extensive research and time spent studying different natural gender selection methods, I hand picked the best methods which were proven to be most effective. I then summarized the best methods into a simple methodology and was so excited with my findings and could not wait to put it to the test.

And I approached my husband and convinced him to try my methodology. My husband was skeptical at first but he finally gave in and agreed to try it out knowing that there is nothing to lose. After all, it is was easy to apply and completely natural while being 100% risk-free.

However, being my pessimistic self, I thought to myself that it could have been "pure luck" that got me my baby girl. I needed to know for sure that my method was perfect and was the best out there.

Not surprisingly, many were initially skeptical but as I continued to explain to them about my personal experiences and the extensive effort that was put into my research, I managed to convince most of those who were planning for their next child. The bottom line was simple:

And in the first year of introduction, 117 couples used this method and I am so proud to declare that 112 couples had conceived the baby gender of their choice!

Word started spreading and my reputation began to grow as a midwife, renowned for my baby gender selection method! As the number of patients wanting to find out about...
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